Learning Resolution for A+

Standard 1. Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process
Goal: I will use strategies to address writing to different audiences
Method: If I know various amounts of words, this will help me to have right word-choice for audiences, so studying for vocabulary will be one of methods. Also, reading lots of articles those have different audience may give an idea of appropriate words for my essay audience. Therefore, I will read different articles and study for vocabulary.

Standard 2. Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing
Goal: I will use different types of supporting detail to provide enough information.
Method: To provide supporting details, I will read books, newspapers, and magazines. Newspapers and magazines provide various information and stories, and some will be useful since I use information and stories as examples and anecdotes of a topic.

Standard 3. Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions
Goal: I will check and correct misspelled words.
Method: There are two effective ways to improve. One method is checking spelling of words in dictionary, and the other one is checking misspelled words after writing. Therefore, I will look in dictionary whenever spelling of words is confusing, and I will read the final draft at least once.

Standard 4. Gathers and uses information for research purposes
Goal: I will use not only electronic source but also print to gather information.
Method: I tended to use internet only to search information, and I found that even internet has a limit of gathering information. Therefore, I will use not only internet but also information printed on papers such as encyclopedia or magazines. Since our school library has numerous encyclopedia and magazines, I will stop by library and search.

Six Traits
a) Goal: I will choose the most appropriate words for an essay.
Method: Word choice determines the voice of an essay, and an improper voice for the audience can make the essay boring. To prevent this, I will study for vocabulary, and I will look up in thesaurus every time I write for more proper words.

b) Goal: I will finish all the assignments on time
Method: Turning homework on time does not belong to six traits, but I feel like I should set this goal because I had lots of overdue assignment last semester. The best ways to accomplish this goal are to concentrate only on homework and to put everything that distracts me away when I work on assignment. Also, I will start to work assignment on the day a teacher assigns since I cannot finish in last two days before the due dates.